by Betsy Muller | Nov 6, 2018 | Uncategorized
Last weekend I attended Claudia Taller’s Word Lovers retreat at Lakeside. It was a gentle nudge to help me keep on task to finish my memoire in spite of my general resistance to writing. Coming to these retreats is a bit intimidating for people like myself who... by Betsy Muller | Oct 2, 2018 | Inspiration, Reflections on Life's Challenges, spirituality, Uncategorized, video included
It is the morning after. I said my final goodbye to my loyal receptionist, canine soul mate and beloved golden retriever Gracie yesterday afternoon at around 3:20PM. We brought in Dr. Ann Soinski DVM from a wonderful service called A Gentle Farewell to bring...
by Betsy Muller | Sep 17, 2018 | conscious business, EFT Tapping/Energy Coaching, Inspiration, Reflections on Life's Challenges, spirituality, Uncategorized
The word enlightenment is familiar to most people who consider themselves to be intelligent, curious and spiritual. If you are a light worker, you seek it on a constant basis. My question for you today is “How are you more enlightened than you were on September 11,... by Betsy Muller | Aug 16, 2018 | Inspiration, Nature, Reflections on Life's Challenges, spirituality, Uncategorized
Life’s been bumpy but I am learning that I can truly rely on my intuitive gifts and the power of prayers. Gracie had an easy surgery on Wednesday and is recuperating nicely. Her surgeon said the spleen was in bad shape, but the other organs were okay. She’s staying... by Betsy Muller | Aug 15, 2018 | Inspiration, Nature, Reflections on Life's Challenges, spirituality, Uncategorized
After a night of contemplation and connecting in with my furry partner Gracie, she has made it clear to me that the highest and best for today is to go forward with the surgery. We are scheduled to check in this morning and the surgery to remove her spleen will take... by Betsy Muller | Aug 9, 2018 | Uncategorized
Compassionate professionals can unknowingly become traumatized while doing jobs they love. Helping, listening to or rescuing someone from a traumatic situation can stir up all sorts of feelings in the practitioner. There is a simple solution to keep therapists,... by Betsy Muller | Jul 18, 2018 | Inspiration, Reflections on Life's Challenges, spirituality, Uncategorized
Wise prophets throughout time have advised that the path to true peace and enlightenment is found in the present moment. This is makes perfect sense when life is peachy, however when things seriously suck, who wants to be fully present to that? Years of failed... by Betsy Muller | Jun 10, 2018 | Health & Wellness, holiday, Inspiration, Reflections on Life's Challenges, spirituality, Uncategorized
Today marks the one-year anniversary of my husband George Muller’s sudden cardiac arrest and subsequent extended recovery. Looking back on that fateful day, no matter what others told me, my truth was always that he would come back. I knew his inner drive combined... by Betsy Muller | Apr 26, 2018 | EFT Tapping/Energy Coaching, Goals and Resolutions, Inspiration, Reflections on Life's Challenges, spirituality, Uncategorized
I remember rushing through the doors of that ER in Michigan, my body shaking and out of breath. Approaching the main desk I said, “I need information about my husband. He was brought here by ambulance from Saugatuck.” Without looking up, the man at the desk grabbed... by Betsy Muller | Apr 3, 2018 | EFT Tapping/Energy Coaching, Goals and Resolutions, Inspiration, Reflections on Life's Challenges
Have you identified important goals for change? By now you’ve probably heard that EFT, also known as tapping, is a great way to make those changes happen more easily. It’s simple to learn and apply, BUT… If you really want your changes to last, stay tuned because I’ll...