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 I remember rushing through the doors of that ER in Michigan, my body shaking and out of breath. Approaching the main desk I said, “I need information about my husband. He was brought here by ambulance from Saugatuck.” Without looking up, the man at the desk grabbed the phone and announced, “PAGING SOCIAL WORK” over the loudspeaker. Within 30 seconds the hospital Chaplin and a social worker emerged to escort me to a private room.

  • For the next 20 minutes we just sat there. Nobody could tell me if he was alive. Lots of ugly thoughts went through my head. I imagined planning his funeral.
  • When a doctor finally came to speak with me, he said the situation was very grave. My husband had gone without oxygen for an extended time and his pupils were not responding to light.
  • When finally able to see him, I was unprepared for his bloody face, breathing tube and the wild convulsions.
  • Soon I was asked to sign a pile of papers permitting a central line, port and permission to induce an extended coma.

We had been on a weekend vacation and far from home. I didn’t even have a car. We had no idea where this would take us. I needed to call my children, but what would I tell them?

Trauma blindsides you and leaves you feeling alone. It’s like being caught inside a swirling tornado with no way out.

If this happened to you or one of your clients, would you be prepared?

 On May 4, 2018 at the Annual Energy Psychology Conference in Orlando, Florida #ACEP, Sheran Matson and I will be presenting LOVE, Energy and the Caregiver

As certified energy psychology and EFT practitioners for many years, Sheran and I also know quite a bit about serious trauma through professional training AND because it’s hit close to home for both of us.  Gary Craig, the founder of Emotional Freedom Techniques once said “The real purpose of EFT is to remove the blocks to the awareness of LOVE’s presence.” Our workshop is dedicated to the restorative healing power of love.

You are invited to join us to empower your awareness of the opportunities and responsibilities we have as professionals who are caregivers and who serve caregivers. We’ll help you appreciate how caregivers experience trauma, teach processes we love and offer demonstrations. You’ll also come to appreciate the ethical issues and get valuable resources to prepare you for the unexpected. Get ready to amplify your awareness of love’s healing presence.

Free Access to Betsy’s Online Course

Introduction to EFT for Compassionate Professionals

There’s a rapid and proven way to prevent and relieve chronic professional stress. In this 5-module course you’ll learn the basic EFT process, research supporting efficacy and a self-care application of Emotional Freedom Techniques, also referred to tapping or EFT. Course download includes a 2-page tapping guidance chart.


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