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Every time I embark on leading a creativity group, interesting and magical things happen to delight my inner child. Here’s the latest.
I didn’t set the alarm last night and found myself suddenly waking up at 8 am (about 2 hours later than usual) as George placed a purring cat on my chest. Glancing at the clock with sudden panic, I remembered my morning schedule was completely open for once. Phew!
As I remarked on that, George started giggling and saying “It’s Saturday, it’s Saturday…” followed by a bunch of gibberish and a little dance. I immediately asked “What was that?!” He ran across the room, grabbed his ipad and returned with a Little Rascal’s Youtube video of Spanky dancing to that funny song.
To our delight, Youtube automatically started the entire Rascal’s episode for us (Sprucing Up) after that little clip was finished. So we both decided to stay in bed and watch the whole thing. We had a giggle and a very late start to our day thanks to that little spark of memory. Pretty good for a husband who survived a serious brain injury.
Little synchronicities like this one today could easily be dismissed as simple coincidence, however I will choose to regard it as a sacred connection with a loving God who wants me to have more delight and energy for creating and living in service and purpose.
Feeling refreshed and ready for my next appointment – a walk in the park with a group of friends who love nature and refuse to resist the cold weather. I wonder what miracle will show up next?

Free Access to Betsy’s Online Course

Introduction to EFT for Compassionate Professionals

There’s a rapid and proven way to prevent and relieve chronic professional stress. In this 5-module course you’ll learn the basic EFT process, research supporting efficacy and a self-care application of Emotional Freedom Techniques, also referred to tapping or EFT. Course download includes a 2-page tapping guidance chart.


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