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Mother Nature can be a drama queen.

On June 21 (our Summer Solstice) I watched in awe as a huge hawk circled in the sky above our yard and approached the second story window at high speed. The wing span seemed to be 4 feet or more. It was moving toward the roofline and gutter above my herb garden. In that second I realized It had come in to attack a sparrow’s nest with hatchlings I had first heard that morning. In horror I watched as it grabbed the nest with its talons and flew off into the woods behind our home.

Chunks of the nest fell to earth as it flew. The woods erupted with alarming bird calls and my heart was hurting for those babies. I ran out to the garden in hope that perhaps something had survived. At first, there was no sign of any life. I gathered up the various nest pieces in the yard and put them in the garden figuring the sparrows could use them to rebuild.

Suddenly, my eyes saw movement. Sure enough one little hatchling was moving around under my strawberry plants. I gently moved it next to the nest materials and said a little prayer. It was a hot day and a rainstorm was approaching. At least this makeshift nest would be a sweet final resting place and where the mamma could possibly find the baby.

Imagine my surprise when I looked out the window today and realized both mamma and pappa sparrow were feeding this baby who was moving with abundant energy. Upon further inspection I also saw not one, but THREE babies nestled in the nest material. It’s hard to say whether these little ones will survive, but I do have renewed faith in the possibility for a miracle in light of this traumatic event. I am always grateful to witness the lessons offered by the Great Mother.

June 24 Update: Sadly, I am letting you all know that the heavy rain of the past two days must have been too much for our 3 baby birds who survived the hawk’s nest invasion on Sunday. They passed sometime last night, snuggled together in the remnants of their nest. I buried them together under my strawberry plants so that they will always be part of my garden. Two adult sparrows were present watching me from the gutter as I covered the babies with soil. It appears the couple are creating a new nest too. Life moves on.

June 25 Update: Today the nest is almost back to full size and I swear I heard the sound of a baby chirping up there. Could it be that one little birdie survived inside the meager remnants of the nest under the gutter? It is another great example of hope I can embrace.

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”

Matthew 6:25-26 

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