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The deep blue of the September sky brings me a sense of deep appreciation for how beautiful this time of year can be in Ohio.  Those same skies also connect my nervous system to memories of despair and anxiety from the morning of September 11, 2001.

On the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, I had known about EFT and calming emotional trauma through tapping on the body’s meridian points for less than 2 months.    Sitting at my desk at work, stunned and worried upon seeing a video of the first crash, the possibility of my own death became more real than I had ever imagined.  The people I cared most about were miles away.   My husband’s family and so many of our closest friends lived and worked in the NY metro area. I briefly felt totally powerless… until I remembered I could tap.

I vividly remember going outside, sitting under an apple tree and beginning to tap without words.  It didn’t change the events of that day, but my body and mind calmed rapidly.  I remember looking up at that blue sky to recognize the safety and beauty of the present moment.  It also dawned on me that I could share tapping for the benefit of others.

It took me years to receive training, build my confidence and put that thought of helping into action.  In 2005 I finally quit my job and created a business.  October 13 will mark the 16th anniversary of my very first women ‘s event.  Believe it or not, The Indigo Connection has met every single month for all these years since.  We’ve enjoyed women’s retreats, private coaching, speakers, book studies and more.   Eventually the business grew to include speaking, best-selling books and training for health and medical professionals.

Over the years I have used EFT to get over my fear of public speaking, overcome technology challenges, conquer writers block and manage a long list of physical discomforts and the challenges of owning an aging body.  Perhaps my greatest challenge came in 2017 when I almost lost my husband to cardiac arrest and brain injury.  Getting through that event resulted in a strong urge to share our story as a way to help others looking for hope in the midst of a serious medical challenge.  The Comeback – An Energy Makeover Love Story celebrates 2 years on Amazon this month.

Tapping my way through each unpleasant event, including the recent COVID19 crisis has taught me to accept the present with compassion.  It’s always an honor to share the wisdom I have gained through life and years of helping others heal and awaken to life’s blessings after a tough spell.

The field of EFT and Energy Psychology has come a long way too.  EFT is now regarded as an evidence-based modality supported by multiple randomized controlled trials, fMRI imaging and studies measuring a significant reduction in the stress hormone cortisol.  What I felt to be so true, yet looked so crazy in 2001, was that powerful sense of peace that becomes possible when you pause to feel the feelings and tap on the points on the face and torso.  As you tap, the nervous system regulates and restores clarity, safety and connection.   I’m also delighted to note how beautifully EFT works when delivered via zoom or video call.  EFT is a brilliant resource for anyone who wants to make a difference on planet earth.

Do you want to learn more about EFT or try the process?  Here are a few great links and opportunities:

Betsy’s upcoming events and EFT training opportunities: https://createandconnectbrilliantly.com/calendar/

Free weekly tapping group Mondays at 1PM ET on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/upwsf-qhqDspX7lAYky7ngIh6iwAn5bPyQ

A free replay of the World Tapping Summit begins Sept. 13.  The link below shares a video and allows registration.

Make sure to register here

New research page updates from ACEP (The Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology:


The ACA (American Counseling Association) library has recommending EFT and TFT, as well as NLP, mindfulness and guided imagery for anxiety and depression:









Free Access to Betsy’s Online Course

Introduction to EFT for Compassionate Professionals

There’s a rapid and proven way to prevent and relieve chronic professional stress. In this 5-module course you’ll learn the basic EFT process, research supporting efficacy and a self-care application of Emotional Freedom Techniques, also referred to tapping or EFT. Course download includes a 2-page tapping guidance chart.


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