Three nights of sleep data have been recorded using my new ActiveLink sleep and fitness monitor. The results tell me what my husband knew all along – I am a good little sleeper! Most sleep aps and monitors like mine generate their data based on how much you move. They report sleep efficiency as the time really sleeping divided by total time in bed. The guidelines recommended by my device suggest that 80% or higher is best. They also caution older adults may notice lower sleep efficiency.
The graphic posted above is my screen shot from last night. It reports that I fell asleep in 2 minutes (my husband would say “duh” to that one) and 94% sleep efficiency, getting a total of 7 hours and 47 minutes of actual sleep. The goal to get 7.5 hours of good sleep per night has been met 2 out of 3 nights so far. It will be interesting to notice what kind of days make for the best and worst nights as the monitoring continues.

The article is in the Nov. 24 issue
Check out the Nov. 24, 2014 issue of Time Magazine, which includes a lengthy discussion of data mining from fitness and sleep monitors. You can see a variety of monitors. costs and their features within the article. Prices range from $99-$199 with most around $129.
My ActiveLink was only $39.95 through lifetime membership that included a $20 off special upgrade because I had the old model of the ActiveLink monitor (which had unfortunately been lost).
If you are considering a monitor, this is certainly a valuable benefit Weight Watcher’s offer. I believe the regular price for the new Activelink is $59.95 plus $5 per month online monitoring fee.
The new ActiveLink model synchs with the iPhone plus integrates the data into the PointPlus tracking system. It offers flexibility to be worn on the wrist, as a necklace or clipped to a belt or strap. Bottom line – this is a device that empowers more awareness to optimize health and wellbeing. Bravo to Philips for making this device and for Weight Watcher’s for a very fair deal.