Something occurred to me today. When we create, we are fully alive.
Maybe I’m most aware of this because I create all the time now, in my mind and in the physical dimension too. As a business owner, creation is this really fun cycle that begins with a tiny notion or idea, then grows and blossoms into a fully manifested message, product or service. To witness creation is to be part of a miracle.
I also started thinking about those low times in life. It made me wonder if depression is the absence of that spark of creation. Through creation, can depression be healed? I am hopeful that the answer is YES. I’ve seen people light up after spells of depression and it seems that as they light up, they return to a creative process of some sort.
To be of service we can all encourage each other to be creative. There are more ways to create than we can easily list – song, words, textiles, cooking, decorating, jewelry, hairstyles, speeches, musical performance, gardening, floral design, marketing, product development and relationships. I choose creation as a mean to be fully alive. Try it too!