Do you remember the lyrics to the popular Tina Turner song, What’s Love Got to Do With It? How dare she refer to love as a “second-hand emotion”!
As Valentine’s Day approaches, there is plenty of talk about love out there. How are the words about love falling on your ears? I found myself thinking of a friend who suddenly became a widow last month and wonder what it must be like having her first Valentine’s Day without him. Will friends reach out to her? Will she take steps to get out into the world to let us hug her and help her heal? Today also reminds me that this week can be rough for the singles who are not currently in relationships while the rest of the world seems to be paired up in bliss. Love or the lack of love has EVERYTHING to do with how they might be feeling.
How can each of us fill that empty love space and brighten a bleak February day? The only way to do that is to find the love in our lives right now. This need not be romantic love, but simply something that you thoroughly enjoy having in your life. This need not be expensive, elaborate or even material. The key to the delight is realizing you LOVE and appreciate something.
As I reflected on my own experience of love in today’s life experience, the following list surfaced in my journal:
• A soft chair in the sunroom
• A husband who does laundry
• Bird feeders filled with seed
• Blueberries in February
• Healthy houseplants
• Fresh cup of bold coffee
• Exercise before breakfast
• Evidence of bulbs sprouting outside my window
• Pure drinking water
I could probably go on and on with this list, but you get the idea. When you make this kind of list, it is a love-filled expression of gratitude sending positive energy out into the world around you. Having spent time reflecting on what you love, you become aligned with love.
What do you think you receive and experience when aligned with love? The answer is MORE to LOVE.
Are you a skeptic about this? Try making this kind of list daily for 10 days and let me know what happens. If you need help finding the love in your life right now, I’d be happy to help you. The love is there and your mission is to find it.