One of the principles I follow and continually teach is that we all have a right and a responsibility to want MORE. Asking for more is the primary way to receive MORE – whether it occurs through thinking about our desires, dreaming, requesting help, saying a prayer or writing a list or goals on a page. Coaching is a process that allows people to see the possibilities clearly and to formulate important plans for having MORE.
Being told to WANT MORE can stir up negative feelings. Perhaps those most uncomfortable with MORE don’t feel worthy of more, or feel guilty for not being content with what they already have. I remind them that it is possible to be filled with gratitude and appreciation, yet still also desiring MORE.
The desire for MORE is our inner creator wanting to interact with the world. This is exactly how inventions, medical breakthroughs and miracles have occurred throughout history as humans have dared to ask for something faster, safer, stronger, bigger or better. It is our divine purpose to seek more and allow God to respond. It is equally important that we humbly accept our gifts as our prayers are answered.
A world filled with the deliberate creations of humans seeking MORE is a harmoneous and peaceful place. Become part of it. Dare to dream, build, invent, write, plan and collaborate. There is enough MORE to go around. Do your part and WANT MORE.