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I paused the other night when Kathy Underhill, my Jazzercise instructor, challenged class members to set an important fitness goal for 2014. Kathy shared that she had set a goal to run 55 miles in races this year and had just completed a half marathon as part of that goal. There is no doubt in my mind that Kathy will reach or exceed that goal. She’s been one of my fitness mentors for a long time and serves as a great role model because we share the same age – 55.

My pause at the idea of a fitness challenge comes back to my reluctance to set bigger fitness goals as I get older. There’s no way I even want to race 55 miles. Is it really safe to add more weight or intensity to my workouts or is there something else to consider?

My thoughts immediately help me realize why I pursue fitness in the first place – it gives me confidence, plus the benefits of health, clarity and strength to do whatever I need or want to do. It allowed me to effortlessly help my daughter move her possessions into a new 2nd floor apartment without an elevator last weekend by golly! Fitness keeps me emotionally stable because it gives me a channel for working out tension and diminishes excess stress hormones. Being fit helps me sleep deeply so that I awaken clear and refreshed each day. Fitness means I have core strength to balance, bend and lift with ease. Fitness allows me to be quick, calm and still be able to talk as I run through an airport with a suitcase and laptop. Fitness lets me splurge with a few extra calories on the weekend and still fit into the clothes I love. All of the above help me hold my head high and go through each day feeling more confident as I age beyond 55 years knowing that I can be a kind, healthy and respectful role model for others.

If you are setting business goals, I urge you to also set at least one fitness goal. It will provide you with breaks, take you out of your comfort zone and also raise your self-confidence. You will actually look and feel stronger. Your energy will project it!

What might you choose? Be sensible based on your current fitness level. Here are some ideas:
* Add a 15-minute walk to each day
* Wear a pedometer or fitness monitor and set a goal your device can track
* Get up and move for 5 minutes each hour
* Enroll in a fitness class and attend regularly
* Use online videos to inspire your workouts
* Join a Yoga class (I go to www.Bhumiyoga.com)
* Do the 5 Tibetan Fountain of Youth exercises daily

It would be horrible to ask you to do something I myself didn’t do, so here are my 2014 fitness goals:

1. Attend a total of 150 Jazzercise Classes by Dec. 31 (70 down, 80 to go!)
2. Log at least 35 points per week on my Weight Watcher’s fitness monitor
3. Continue 5 Tibetan Exercises every morning upon waking
4. Increase my regular workout hand weights to 10 pounds by September
5. Integrate daily fitness, even when traveling

I hope you’ll share your goals with me and most of all enjoy the time you spend on fitness. It can be lots of fun.

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Introduction to EFT for Compassionate Professionals

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