Dozens of love letters from George
I marvel at the unexpected blessings that emerge when least expected. Last Thursday evening, I suggested to George that we set a timer for 1 hour and attempt to see what we could remove from our basement for disposal. After 22 years in this house, I knew there was plenty down there we no longer wanted or needed. We scurried around for those 60 minutes and released quite a bit to the curb and for donation.
In the final 5 minutes, I had more room in the garbage bag to fill and found a small box in a corner that had been long forgotten. Inside that box I would find a treasure. Letters from long ago. Love notes from my very first 8th grade boyfriend, letters my parents wrote to me when I went away to Girl Scout camp at age 9 and most precious of all, letters from my husband George written 1-2 times a week throughout our very difficult time apart in 1981-1983. I’m reading through all of them with appreciation for all this love. I only wish I had some of the replies I had written on hand to balance the reality of this time. George’s handwriting is just so beautiful too. It’s a lost art, but as I read through these sweet memories, it’s one I will take more seriously in the days ahead.
You never know what will happen when you decide to clean the basement. Maybe you too will be inspired to express your love in a letter.