Energy Vampire?
This is probably the best question anyone could ask. I rarely find myself depleted by vampires. Helping others feel better actually raises my energy level.
Here’s my secret recipe to keep your energy exchange tanks filled:
Consciously Invoke Protection – Call upon a higher power to protect you. I find that invoking help from God, Jesus, Archangel Michael, as well as a team of additional archangels offers amazing protection. Call upon your spiritual tradition to find the best fit. Many find it difficult to trust invisible helpers. Set a positive intention for protection and do it anyway. Notice what happens.
Fortify Your Fortress – Your physical body needs to start strong before you engage with an energy vampire. That means taking steps to eat a nutritious diets, keeping hydrated with plenty of pure water, exercise to invigorate and balance the energies of the body and sleep for restoration and repair. You can expect a better outcome when you show up with your energy reserves set high.
Zip-Up and Tap – Set a positive intention about how you want to be physically, mentally and emotionally each day, then trace the flow of your central meridian (from pubic bone to the point under the lip) with the palm of your hand facing your body. Repeat three times, making sure to draw the palm away from the body as you return to begin each zip-up. As you trace your central meridian, you created an energy shield over your heart and gut. If you feel vulnerable, worried or nervous about something specific, take a moment to also tap your EFT meridian points with a specific reminder phrase to allow acceptance of these feelings as they are. Be curious about your feelings and the relationships that bring them to you. Changing other people usually results in energy drain without the change you hoped. Determine what you can change and know that is where you must focus your intentions.
Stop the Bleeding: Say “NO” or just GO – There’s no reason any of us needs to take constant abuse from someone else. There’s a time and a place to say NO and mean it. You may need to fire a client, change jobs, break off a relationship or move out. Physically separate yourself from the situation to regain your clarity and recharge before the next encounter. Sometimes the best thing to do is to end a draining relationship. Remember that you hold the power to say NO or to GO.
The Diamond Shield – Everyone needs good boundaries to prevent unnecessary energy leaks. In business you can clarify your boundaries and rules of engagement when you begin working with customers or new clients to get things off to a solid start. If people have gotten used to taking energy from you in the past, you have unfortunately taught them to expect another handout. Suddenly enforcing new rules with those who have been allowed to drain you can result in angry outbursts and drama. You can keep sending these vampires energy, but the process needs to change. Imagine that you are shielded with a sheet of pure diamond. It allows you to be protected and it amplifies your light. It also amplifies the light of every being you encounter. This shield lets only light get through either way. From there, know you are a conduit for unlimited Divine Source energy. Rather than give your own energy reserves. Relax, and let source energy to flow into you and out to others through your heart. You don’t lose anything in the process. The flow of energy through you strengthens your reserves. This is the same sort of process used by Reiki practitioners, who will heartily agree that they are recharged while giving treatments.
Look for the Love – Energy vampires are often connected to love in some way. When something we love is missing, lacking or taken away, we hurt and hunger to have it back. When our values, energy and security are violated, it is quite natural to lash out or experience negative emotions. Be curious about finding love buried within each vampire encounter. Ask “What do these feelings tell me about who I am and what I love or need?” Apply this question to your vampires too. Be open to engaging with them in compassionate new ways. It may be that we’ve created the illusion of vampires when a simple ray of love’s light could quickly melt them away.
I hope you’ll examine using some of these secrets in your life and let me know how it works for you. There’s a whole chapter, Conquer The Energy Vampires, within my book Energy Makeover offering a more detailed response on this topic. You can order the book at www.energymakeover4u.com or on Amazon.