Recently I found myself energetically ticked off – triggered by something totally unexpected. I have learned that this triggering of a sudden, strong emotional state is something that requires immediate attention and also a dose of healing self-care. I am sharing this story in hope that you might also relate and heal.
I regularly meet with a small group of trusted colleagues for a Mastermind lunch. We take turns leading the group and develop assignments as part of each meeting. At a recent gathering, we were asked to choose a single word to describe each of our group members, including one for ourselves. It was a simple assignment that was easy to complete. I arrived with my words, including the word “kind” to describe myself.
As we shared words that day, it was a pleasant experience until I found myself suddenly placed into an uncomfortable state by a single word given to me by a dear friend in the group. The word was “affluent” and the feeling was ugly. Why was a supposedly positive word doing this to me? Why did it feel so energetically opposite to the word “kind” that I had chosen for myself?
After lunch was over, I pondered this further. Perhaps I had misunderstood? Maybe there was something deeper within me that needed exploration? I grabbed the dictionary to check into the official definition:
1. having an abundance of wealth, property, or other material goods; prosperous; rich: an affluent person.
2. abounding in anything; abundant.
3. flowing freely: an affluent fountain.
4. a tributary stream.
5. an affluent person: a luxurious resort appealing to young affluents.
I realized a big truth about my limiting belief quite quickly: For me, the word affluent is mostly about money. Connected to this belief is that I don’t see financial/material wealth being connected to character or kindness – and that character really matters to me. Finally, I realized that I believe affluent means having, but not sharing. Ugh! That doesn’t feel very nice either. I don’t think my mastermind friend intended any of those ideas to show up in my awareness, yet here they were.
Is there anything I agree with when it comes to being defined as “affluent”?
I absolutely agree that in the true sense of the definition that I am quite affluent. I have money and material wealth. I am great at managing finances, saving and investing. I am also great at creating abundance in all ways. I have learned and practice an approach to life that brings “free flow” – physical, material, financial, emotional and experiential energy flow. I am healthy, surrounded by supportive friends, satisfied with my work and generous in the way I give and serve. By choosing to embrace the word “affluent” is it possible that I could open up an even greater flow of abundance? Could healing this limiting belief open me up to some bigger, higher paying speaking opportunities I want to attract?
My awareness had changed and it was time to pull it fully into my energy system. Below are the affirmations I spoke out loud as I tapped my EFT treatment points. You may find these helpful to release your unknown resistance to being “affluent”.
I am financially affluent and manage my material wealth responsibly
I track, save and invest my affluence in ways that honor this very important reflection of energy.
I share abundance with others. There are always ways I can give when I have so much affluence.
I am surrounded by affluent relationships, reflected in my marriage, my family, supportive friends, mentors, colleagues and clients.
Affluent health is part of my being – I am comfortable, flexible, and fully alive in this body
I surround myself with an environment of affluence, natural beauty, color and physical possessions that are functional, clean, comfortable, delightful and exceptionally pleasing.
Creativity runs through me reliably and regularly. I download an abundance of beautiful ideas for the benefit of myself and every life I touch.
Spiritual affluence is an astounding part of my life. I reside in a sense of wonder as I am connected to a source of limitless abundance.
As I finished my self-care process, this beautiful thought came to me:
“My definition of affluent is a blessing that resides within me”.
I smile and know that I have reframed a belief and have transformed yet another block. All is well!