The Blue Purse
On this particular afternoon, I parked outside of Macy’s because it offered parking closest to an entry door. This particular door took me into the accessory department. As I scurried in, my eyes were immediately distracted by a royal blue handbag on display. My beloved color! I froze in my tracks. Stepping closer for further inspection I found myself falling in love. It had gorgeous shining silver accents, impeccable stitching, perfectly placed compartments. Then….I dared to touch it. OHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhh. I felt myself get a bit light in the head. I was not expecting this sensation, soft as butter. Perfection. The purse of my dreams right in my hands. Should I dare to even look at the price tag?
I dared. Gingerly turning over the tag, my heart sank. As I suspected, this purse was out of my league. Chuckling to myself I wondered, “How could a silly purse make me feel so emotional?” Crushed but not defeated, at least now I knew the perfect purse existed. This purse was mine. We would find a way to be together someday. In the meantime, I promised to visit her often. I would come by to check on “my purse” every time life brought me to the mall.
Throughout the holiday season I visited the mall many times. It was automatic to park at Macy’s so that I might check on my purse. Each time, a smile would spring to my lips as spotted that unmistakable bright blue from a distance. Every visit included a chance to touch that gorgeous, soft bag. The price stayed out of my league. As I carefully placed her back on display, I would whisper “I love you. I’ll be back!”
When my husband asked for Christmas gift ideas, I never dared to mention that purse. The price was outrageous. My practical side could simply not justify such a thing.
In mid February, I found myself once again entering the mall through Macy’s. To my delight, the first thing that caught my eye was a sign that read “GIANT PURSE CLEARANCE”. Oh my! Could today be the day?
My eyes quickly scanned the department. Not a single spark of blue to catch my eye. RATS! Did someone else buy her? I headed to her normal display, but no blue purse! Discouraged, I kept looking, consoling myself with the thought that there might be another great purse on sale. As I completed a tour of the entire department, finally there she was, on a low shelf in a middle aisle. Now for the moment of truth – was she on sale? The sign said 25% off. My heart ached. That was still not enough to justify such luxury. Maybe another purse on sale could make me as happy? I surveyed the department again, making three full circles to conclude that there was only ONE purse worth my devotion. I picked up my purse once again and that softness took my breath away. It’s this one or nothing!
Immediately an idea surfaced. Remembering I had several Macy’s coupons and a gift card into my bag, I wondered if these could help. Pleased to find they had not expired, I picked up the purse and confidently walked to the register. The clerk smiled as our eyes met. I braced myself as I asked if she could tell me what the purse would cost if we applied the multiple coupons and gift card. She replied, “I’m not sure I can do that, but let’s give it a try.” One at a time, each of the discounts processed. They were cumulative! As the clerk scanned the gift card, she looked up and said, “Your total will be $20 plus tax.” My heart skipped a beat. The jubilant moment had arrived! Without hesitation, I grabbed cash from my bag and claimed ownership of MY PURSE.
I must admit that carrying this purse has been a most wonderful experience. The bright blue is the color of my brand and a conversation starter. Almost everywhere I go, I receive compliments and questions about where I found such a gorgeous bag. I invite them to experience it’s soft toucn. I love to share how special she is to me, not just because of her beauty, but because she teaches an important lesson.
When love is accompanied by patience and hope, the door remains open for a miracle.
Asking for what you want can open that door even wider. Remember, even something as insignificant as a blue purse, can brighten a day and teach this important lesson. I hope if you see me out and about, we can pause for a chat and a chance to meet my practical blue miracle for yourself. There’s a miracle waiting for you out there too.