Last night I hosted another weekly gathering made up of female business owners and professional women from all walks of life. Can you believe that when we tested for a common issue we all needed to heal, what came up was excessive RAGE directed against our selves? It’s understandable that women might be a little angry because our culture doesn’t encourage these feelings to be expressed in public. Who would have imagined that this circle of sweet smiling women had been silently suffering from RAGE? Could clearing rage help you AND help the world?
Here’s how it all came down:
Each week I set the intention of providing a program both interesting and experiential for this group. The tragic events that have occurred in the past week, both locally and internationally had given me pause. It has been such a time of death, destruction and violence. I seriously wondered how to create an evening for these ladies that would help them unwind and also spread a wave of healing to the world we are all part of?
I was guided to begin the night with a series of self-care exercises from Donna Eden’s book Energy Medicine for Women, directed specifically to balancing adrenal glands and promoting spleen health. This made perfect sense – begin by relieving the stress in the physical body, then strengthen the immune system.
Next, I directed them to journal in depth on the following questions, while also creating a few words of summary about each item on an index card.
1. What are you noticing NOW about your physical state? How have you experienced the past week in terms of physical health, sleep, mental clarity, stamina, aches/pains, digestion and breathing with ease?
2. How has media coverage of world and local events affected you?
3. Which relationships have brought the greatest joy and the greatest pain during the past week?
4. What is something you believe you need to heal that the world also needs healing for?
I collected the cards, then revealed that we would using the Soul Detective protocols to identify and clear a priority issue we shared and could heal as a group. This included giving each participant a copy of the soul detective session tracking sheet I use with for private client sessions (something I have never dared share before). I explained that this work is some of the deepest and most mysterious that I do, admitting that I find myself being skeptical at times. It’s invisible stuff. The mystery is mostly in the belief that God and a team of archangels guide and accomplish the work. My role as facilitator is to uncover what the disturbances are about and to request healing interventions in a specific and meaningful way. It also includes multiplying the healing to all parties who may resonate with the challenge or disturbance.
I asked for the group’s permission to conduct the exercise and requested a physically healthy volunteer to act as a surrogate for muscle testing the group field. I could have intuitively done this, however I feel it’s best to have a demonstration that openly tests the energy. I set up sacred space and called in Divine support to purify and protect our work. We verified that we had permission for a group healing and got started. What soon emerged was an emotional disturbance that could best be described as “rage against self”. Testing also revealed that tapping meridian points would be an effective way to clear this collective disturbance. I asked participants to shout out specific ways they could be silently raging inside so that these words could be worked into our healing statements.
We completed several rounds of meridian tapping, including the following statements regarding feelings of rage about:
Images media has put into our awareness
Impossible standards we can’t hope to live up to
Knowing our faults too well
Magnifying mirrors
Painfully hiding our true selves so we are more likeable
Feeling un-loveable
Being part of a species that is violent
Not knowing enough to be valuable
Things we didn’t get to do
Things we can’t change
Feeling alone
There were several comical statements that came through too. It’s hard to remember all, but the outcome was a circle of relaxed, calm women. The treatment had shifted something in all of us.
Because we were running late, I needed to end our circle rather quickly. Each woman was asked to take home one of the note cards from the earlier exercise and to send healing prayers to the woman who may have anonymously written it.
After the group departed, I finished the session by asking the archangels to multiplying our healing work to include the group members who had missed the meeting and also to any soul who was feeling rage. I swear that I felt a wave of calm wash over me as I engaged this thought and wondered, “Could this simple request to God and the angels really make a difference? ” I’m choosing to believe it did. A little less rage in this world makes room for people to thrive and create brilliantly for the greater good of all.
If you are feeling more peaceful today, maybe it is because we activated a loving prayer to calm enraged people. It is only by taking our own small actions that we can and will make a better world for all.