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In the spirit of generousity and good will, I am sharing my deepest darkest secrets today. This is the list of commitments I make to my daily self-care that I know preserve my state of wholeness and well-being. When I take care of this – my body is very happy. The result is that my body can relax and remain functioning nearly as well as it did in my 20s and 30s. If you are curious – here are the key facets of my personal Energy Makeover™ plan. I’m not changing much this year, but vowing to keep doing what really works. Maybe you’ll want to pick a few of these to try too.

Daily AM practice of the 5 Tibetan Exercises. I have been doing these 5 exercises every day for the past 10 years. I start them immediately after I roll out of bed each morning (after I have a big drink of water). They take me about 10 minutes and it is time well spent. Learn more and watch my how-to video at http://www.youtube.com/bbmuller#p/u/30/YufVGtI9lig

Nutrition: Weight Watcher’s Points Plus Program: I am a lifetime Weight Watcher (since 1991) at goal weight now after seven years of ignoring the program (and gaining weight). The new Points Plus program is the best yet. It helps me to keep track of my daily nutrition, especially now that I am over 50. I intend to continue to attend meetings, track my daily food choices and follow the program because it works and helps me feel so well when I follow it. There’s plenty of room in the plan for daily dark chocolate, special weekend meals and a 2-4 glasses of red wine each week. www.weightwatchers.com

Measuring and Tracking Waist/Hip Ratio: Research has proven that big bellies are detrimental to health. I measure my ratio regularly with a goal of 0.7. Learn more by watching my video at http://www.youtube.com/bbmuller#p/search/1/XT5d8ktVJgA

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT): As a practitioner of this meridian tapping protocol, I use EFT as daily self care and for those times when life gets difficult, stressful or overwhelming. It helps move energy in my body and centers me. I use it to calm my fears and to get over things that are in the past, so I can be more present each day. When energy is flowing through the body without restriction, there is balance and wholeness that is profoundly peaceful. Mastering this state is a powerful way to preserve youth. It is resilience.

Daily Nutritional Supplements:
Lifepak Nano by Pharmanex is the best daily multivitamin formula I have found http://www.nuskin.com/global/library/pdf/products/lifepak_nano_pip.pdf

Vitality by Pharmanex: A new patented supplement that supports physical stamina, sexual function and mental clarity. I began taking it 3 months ago and it is incredible. http://www.nsedreams.com/pwp/splash.jsp?pwpID=US1021263&textCacheLocale=en-US

Vitamin D: I use BioDMusion which is a liquid emulsion drop. Each drop as 400 IU of D3. I take 5000 IU per day in the winter, with less during times I get natural sun exposure. I think it allows me to sleep better and it keeps the winter blues from slowing me down. http://bioticsresearchstore.com/Biotics-Research-BioDMulsion-1oz/M/B000UQOCCQ.htm

Physical Exercise: I work out at least 6 days a week for at least 30 minutes. This includes one 1.5 hour yoga class, 3-5 1-hour Jazzercise classes, and home workouts on my eliptical machine. I also have a dog that enjoys a 1-2 mile brisk walk as often as I’m willing to take her. In the warmer months, I run 3-4 miles 2-3 days per week instead of Jazzercise as my schedule permits.

Being in Nature:There is something magical for me and my wellbeing that comes from being outside and connected with the natural world. I am an avid gardener and animal lover. I enjoy walks with my dog in the woods and running by Lake Erie in the summer. My own yard and garden bring me great joy that supports my health. Winter is a harder time for me to be outdoors, so I usually try to plan at least one trip to a warm place so that I continue to thrive during my most challenging season.

Staying Connected to Others: Relationships, friendships and love are part of my life every day. I have friends in every corner of my life – online, social media, clients, my family and people I meet wherever I go. I teach classes, teleseminars and hold retreats to promote balance and wellness for others. Both business and personal side of my life keep me connected with people. Everyone thrives when they have social support.

Purified Alkaline Water: Water is my beverage of choice and I drink 16 oz. upon waking each morning and at least 8-10 glasses per day. I used the Nikken Pi-Mag filtration system and really love it. http://www.nikken.com/shop/details/!pimag-aqua-pour

Galvanic Spa with AgeLOC Facial Treatments: I give myself a 5 minute home treatment every Tuesday and Saturday without exception. The Galvanic Spa is a small micro-current device which revs up my circulation, hydrates and conditions my skin. It smoothes fine lines and eliminates aging at its source. The AgeLOC active ingredients are patented and are backed by research which shows that they reverse aging by re-setting the genes responsible for maintaining youthful function and appearance. I love it! Learn more at http://www.nsedreams.com/pwp/splash.jsp?pwpID=US1021263&textCacheLocale=en-US

My program, Winning at Waist Management™, includes lots of these ideas in more detail and is available in a variety of formats (audio, teleclass, live class and e-book. It includes most of what I shared above, plus exercises and treatment sequences for a variety of challenges faced by people trying to release extra inches from the waistline. The waistline is THE measure of health and thus my personal emphasis and focus of my program. The program workbook is available on Amazon Kindle at http://www.amazon.com/Winning-at-Waist-Management-ebook/dp/B004BA5EQK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&m=AG56TWVU5XWC2&s=digital-text&qid=1293485702&sr=1-1

I trust this information is helpful. There are probably a few other things I do, but didn’t mention. I’ll probably find a few more great tools for my kit in the year ahead. If you have some great ones, I’d love to hear about them.

Free Access to Betsy’s Online Course

Introduction to EFT for Compassionate Professionals

There’s a rapid and proven way to prevent and relieve chronic professional stress. In this 5-module course you’ll learn the basic EFT process, research supporting efficacy and a self-care application of Emotional Freedom Techniques, also referred to tapping or EFT. Course download includes a 2-page tapping guidance chart.


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