Long ago a wise teacher recommended that it can be very healing to say “I love you” as you look in the mirror each morning. Maybe you’ve heard that too. Have you tried it?
If you have, you know that it can often trigger an uncomfortable feeling or emotion. Instead of loving yourself, do you notice a new wrinkle, a zit or a feature on your face that you never liked? Do you feel ugly instead of lovable? If you haven’t tried it, what do you feel when you consider the possibility? Are you up to the challenge?
Today’s very short video today is an important reminder that you are more than that person in the mirror. Your relationship with yourself is the most important thing you bring to the world and is the basis for experiencing love in all forms throughout your life.
Show up to the mirror with a clear sense of love for yourself and you may just find the world more friendly, peaceful and beautiful.
I challenge you to try this for 21 days (yes, that might just make it a habit too), then let me know if anything has shifted. A more pleasant experience with your mirror awaits.