Wet kisses from Gracie help too!
Now that four full weeks have passed since surgery, my situation often feels as though nothing is happening. While there’s no real pain, my wounds are inaccessible and foot unbendable. I’m stuck in a cast for another 17 days and dismayed at how much my foot throbs when I try to sit normally at my desk or hobble around on the crutches for any length of time. I would have expected to be past this by now.
Suddenly I realize that I have a choice. I could sit here enjoying my pity party or I could shift to a mindset that engages the power of imagination.
The playlist used for my daily chair workout has been helpful for imagination work. I am able to close my eyes and feel both of my feet and legs moving, dancing and working better than ever. I see myself on walks in my garden, by the lake, on the beach and in places I will go this year. I imagine the feeling of my first stretches and steps under the care of my physical therapist (who I have not yet met). Imagining some discomfort as new tendons are stretched and activated, the feelings are exhilarating and make me feel so alive. I watch my leg muscles regain the strength they had a decade ago and marvel at the gift of this new foot and ankle.
Every one of these imaginings is filled with strong feelings. The gratitude, joy, appreciation and exuberance bring a lift to my heart and grin to my face Present moment feelings connecting to points in future time. I believe THIS is where the magic spark sets it all into motion.
Here I am, on the couch, writing with my foot raised AND in some other realm I am walking briskly along one of my favorite sunny paths. I leave the uncertainty behind, knowing I am calmly in control of happy moments to come.