Theme and T-shirt for the 2015 Lakeside Retreat
2015 was the 9th year I have organized and facilitated a woman’s retreat in Lakeside on Lake Erie. Experience has allowed me to keep growing the systems that assure delivery of a weekend experience to serve the needs of a diverse group. There are many moving parts and while it may look easy from the outside, it is hardly that!
The retreat weekend pushes me and challenges my boundaries, especially when it comes far less sleep and lots more noise and company than I’m typically used to. It’s a delicate balance working with weather, contractors, sensitive participants, the leadership team and my own intuitive feelings.
After taking a day to reflect and read the participant feedback forms, here are the 5 lessons that I carry in my heart from this weekend. Anyone who leads or organizes complicated processes may learn and benefit from these too.
- Trust is a magical asset This was the first year that the retreat sold out almost immediately. Next year’s retreat is already on it’s way to being booked solid. Loyal guests know they can trust me to select great presenters and eagerly commit without knowing exactly what they signed up for. In ten years, my business has a track record for creating something that can be trusted. It also stems from something I hear often in feedback from participants– my work honors the safety and comfort of each individual. When people feel safe, they trust you to lead them.
- Intuition and intention create decisions that serve groups beautifully. Reading the energy of an audience can be tricky, but the years have taught me that I am capable of setting intentions for the group’s highest and best. It helped enormously that I taught “Mastering Intuitive Decisions” as a pre-retreat workshop, serving as a prefect reminder for what I would put into action all weekend long.
- The strongest teaching moments are vulnerable and unscripted. I awakened on the final day of the retreat so seriously ill that I was unsure how I could let myself leave the bathroom. My wellbeing was restored quite miraculously when I surrendered to processing the feelings and let them go. I shared my story with the group and later learned how it touched so many of them as they realized that intuitive leaders are neither perfect nor all-knowing. I keep fumbling and learning too.
- It’s okay to feel frustrated, agitated, hurt, annoyed and discouraged. There were many moments throughout the weekend when I could have screamed, but bit my tongue. Others may not have fully sensed my struggles, but I worked through them with EFT tapping, accepting help, talking with trusted friends, breathing and times of brief solitude. It’s all too easy to stuff feelings when overwhelmed, however I conclude that these feelings helped me to be more present as a leader and to also lead in my truth.
- Accepting help from others is critical and necessary. I was fortunate to have such amazing help available at all times. A great leadership team, participants eager to help me take photos, serve food, clean up or move tables. Everywhere I turned there was help, including the obvious presence of God. This weekend could not have happened without the many hands and angelic wings that carried us.
Our 10th year will no doubt be a different retreat experience. Many have already enrolled for 2016 simply because they trust me to create something valuable. I suspect we will sell out again and I plan to offer at least one scholarship for a deserving woman with limited means. Join us May 13-15, 2016. I’m ready for the ride!