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Have you identified important goals for change? By now you’ve probably heard that EFT, also known as tapping, is a great way to make those changes happen more easily. It’s simple to learn and apply, BUT… If you really want your changes to last, stay tuned because I’ll share the reason why most online tap-along videos are a huge waste of your time.  Click on the Image or go to http://neohio.eliteexpertsnetwork.com/betsy-muller-go-for-gold-increasing-your-odds-for-lasting-transformation/ to access the video.

Time is a very important resource and if you are looking for ways to get the most out of each minute, Emotional Freedom Techniques, also known as EFT or tapping is a great way to get results. EFT also appears to be an incredibly simple process. Most newcomers to EFT get introduced through a wonderful annual event called the World Tapping Summit, which I endorse and recommend.   Unfortunately many online programs gloss over some key distinctions that could leave you feeling frustrated and stuck.

Think of tapping like Olympic Medals  – Bronze, Silver and Gold. All three are great, but Gold is the highest and best. Let me explain:

Bronze Level –is tapping on the EFT treatment points without using words. It is a great way to start. Clinical research has shown that tapping on specific points on the head and torso calm the body’s fight or flight response and significantly lower the stress hormone cortisol. It’s a great way to calm down, feel better and put your rational mind back into control. Practitioners are taught to rely on bronze level tapping to maximize client comfort when beginning to work on upsetting issues. It’s good to know and apply, but understand that while it’s effective for basic self-care, it’s too general to be lasting or transformational.

Silver Level is the next step up. In addition to tapping the points, this form uses short reminder phrases or tap along scripts as part of the treatment. My BizTV video on sugar cravings is a perfect example. Silver level often includes phrases for issues like grief, physical pain or fear of public speaking. These scripts are great tools for beginners because most people know exactly what they want to change, but admit they don’t have a clue what to say when tapping. The problem with scripts is that they miss specific events and personal details that need to be addressed and customized for an individual to experience lasting positive change.

That brings us to Gold Standard EFT: This form takes training, experience and involves moving the focus of the treatment from general to very specific. The goal of Gold is to treat the origin of the presenting issue using detective work to find the specific beliefs, memories and events involved. This form of EFT used by certified practitioners who are trained to listen for specific key phrases, keeping the focus on hidden blocks that must be identified and treated for lasting change, followed by testing to make sure real cognitive shifts are occurring.  That’s transformation and it takes skill and persistence. If you’ve made some progress with Bronze and Silver, but desire a bigger shift, working with a certified Gold Standard practitioner is a must. Certification requires demonstrating competence with a minimum of 20 clients and at least 50 cases using the highest client care skills.   I’ve trained many excellent practitioners in the Midwest that I can recommend.

You deserve the best when it comes to your EFT experience, so go for the Gold! To request a list of the certified practitioners I have trained or to work directly with me on an important life challenge, go to the contact link at www.createandconnectbrilliantly.com.


Free Access to Betsy’s Online Course

Introduction to EFT for Compassionate Professionals

There’s a rapid and proven way to prevent and relieve chronic professional stress. In this 5-module course you’ll learn the basic EFT process, research supporting efficacy and a self-care application of Emotional Freedom Techniques, also referred to tapping or EFT. Course download includes a 2-page tapping guidance chart.


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