Returning from 5 days of energy immersion in Reston Virginia, brings a homecoming with so many new concepts I will apply immediately. Serving for 5+ years as Communications Director and member of the board of The Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP), it’s expected that I would attend the annual meeting. What you may not realize is that these meetings are “over the top” outstanding. I would be there regardless of my leadership role in the organization. Today’s post will attempt to convey the depth of the experience. No two people receive the same thing because we are unique and choose our breakout sessions from a wide array of options. The choices are tough. Right now I would encourage anyone reading this to mark May 29-June 2, 2014 on your calendar to join me at the Sheraton Wild Horse Pass Resort in Phoenix for the next one. Jack Canfield will be the featured keynote! I hope to be a presenter too; however that will not be settled until later this year. If you can’t wait until next year, I’ll be sharing lots of what I learned in all 4 programs I’m leading (including a free teleclass on 6/11 at 2PM EST) next week. Details can be found on my website events calendar or Facebook page at
Below are takeaways from each day in the order of experience.
Thursday May 30 – Arrival
Presenter reception – a homecoming of the leadership team and always a celebration of friendship. This would be my 12th year as a member and 11th attending conference as a presenter. I am always particularly aware of how these people don’t seem to age from year to year. That was one of the qualities that made me curious to join and keep coming back.
Evening Keynote, David Feinstein PhD – David is one of the top leaders and published experts in this field. Aside from the fact that he is married to another superstar, Donna Eden, his research and writings provided the substantiation for the American Psychological Association to finally grant continuing education credits for this conference. David began his presentation explaining why he was wearing a hat and proceeded to tell us the story of his recent near fatal brain bleed which was miraculously caught before serious damage was done. From there he summarized the highlights of research. My big takeaway this time was learning that the body’s connective tissue – collagen is a semiconductor and that when we tap on the body; energy is released from the compression of the collagen crystals by this mechanical pressure. Tapping also does something to resettle delta waves in the brain, which is similar to the organization which occurs during the dream state. Even though we don’t fully understand all the ways tapping works, there is solid research emerging.
Friday Morning Qigong with Roger Janhke OMD – This guy has vitality, health and presence. The flow of qigong is beautiful and feels so natural to me. The practice brings joy and is well worth the early waking time. I can’t wait for this guy’s 2 hour keynote on Saturday morning.
Morning Keynote, Joan Borynsenko PhD – This woman takes the stage and you feel the JOY. She is an accomplished author, scientist and speaker, yet it is this jubilant feeling that fills the room and grabs attention. She tells us that spirituality is about emotion and social connection then explains how war trauma changes the genes 3-4 generations out. She remains hopeful, adding that rapid healing is possible. You can cultivate feelings of love, harmony and connection in the body through yoga, tai chi, meditation and breathing, which increase GABA, a neuropeptide which helps the pre-frontal cortex of the brain calm the part of the brain that goes berserk with fear – the amygdala. We knew it was good for us – but now science knows why.
Morning Breakout, Jill Leigh on “Chakra based In-Session Strategies” – This speaker knows those 7 spinning energy centers well and taught us to understand how they open and close, using a vegetable steamer as a suitable image. I learned that having my second chakra too open can lead to practitioner fatigue. I also learned that the chakra to open wide to 100% at all times is the throat center. That aligns beautifully with the teachings of St. Hildegard. Speak, create and express! Jill also gave us a great process for clearing energy and claiming space in a room which I will use from this day forward for speaking and client work. Ask me about it, or I might just share it at the next seminar.
Afternoon Invited Presentations Nisha Money, MD and Amy Weintraub, MFA ERYT-500 – Impressed with the grace and power of both of these women.
Dr. Money has held many key medical leadership roles in the US Air Force and shared the sad statistics about suicide, depression, rape and stress within the military. She also gave us hope by explaining the ways in which alternative therapies are making their way into the system. I was most emotionally touched when she talked about the healing oxytocin release connected to having therapy dogs working with vets. I want to know more about how eye contact with dogs leads to this calming effect. In the meantime, look your dog in the eyes and notice which one of your eyes the dog chooses to focus on.
Amy Weintraub, gave us insight into ways to integrate breathing variations into our client work. I learned that simply smiling releases oxytocin, even if you don’t feel the smile, eventually you will get there. I smile all the time and that’s probably why I’m so happy. Go figure.
Evening Keynote, Physicist William Tiller PhD – This guy is probably one of the most prolific quantum physicists of our time. He’s in his 80’s and he looks fabulous. Lots of what he says and the numbers on the screen don’t make any sense. His key message was that energy of thought is non-local and independent of distance and time. That means your thoughts can travel anywhere in the universe and they will arrive at their destination faster than the speed of light. He emphasized that EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED and more connected now than in the past. He also said there are intelligent beings out there and we better just accept it. When I was taking the shuttle back to the airport, I met a woman who spent an hour with Dr. Tiller as they waited for the hotel shuttle going to the conference. She said he was the kindest soul she could imagine. He talked about his meditation practice and was very present. Another reason to believe what Bill says is true.
Saturday Morning Energizer Session (I’m Facilitating!) – Getting up early to help others awaken is a joy. It was fun to demonstrate and lead the 5 Tibetan Fountain of Youth Exercises, as well as the Diamond Shield, energy balancing exercises, Aramaic toning and body moves to raise emotional state. We had a good time!
Keynote Roger Janhke OMD “The Qi: Ancient Roots of Energy Consciousness Medicine”-This guy is one of the patriarchs of oriental medicine and qigong in the US. He looks a bit like Christopher Walken and stands tall, solid and peaceful. I know he must be quite a bit older than me, but he exudes vitality, youth and health. He gave me a beautiful foundation to take into my meditation training on Monday, helping me understand the 3 Treasures of Chinese Medicine – Earth (functional/physical), Sky (spiritual) and the world in between (emotional/heart). He also explained that up to 90% of disease is preventable. The 8 root causes of death are psychological issues! We can heal when we address the underlying stress. “Immortality is having a conscious relationship with the part of you that does not die.” Amen to that!
Breakout Workshop, Robert Alcorn MD “Shamanic Treatment of a Psychiatric Patient” This was fascinating! I had read psychiatrist Robert Alcorn’s book and spent 2 days with him attending Soul Detective Training in August 2012. This presentation allowed us to watch a video including special photos taken with a device called a “luminator” during an actual client session. Dr. Alcorn stopped the film frequently to share important points about the session as it progresses. He facilitates release of 3 different entities from the patient during the session. Skeptics about spirit attachment may find themselves shifting their beliefs about spirit possession’s link to mental health. Dr. Alcorn is in Cleveland, so my local friends are encouraged to see this presentation if it is offered locally.
ACEP Annual Meeting and Ethics Luncheon – Each year we must have an annual meeting and a free lunch is offered as an incentive to keep the membership in the room. We also get some ethics CE credit for our certifications. A legacy contribution to ACEP 5 years ago was my suggestion that they end the boring committee reports and put together a fast-paced video presentation highlighting the year. The members love this and actually stop eating to watch it. At the end of the luncheon, a special memorial lantern was dedicated to the memory of co-founder Dorothea Hover-Kramer, who died quite suddenly this year. As I took the photo below, I spoke the words “Dorothea, show us you are here!” If you look carefully, you will see several orbs in the photo below, and notably a beautiful blue one.
Afternoon Workshop, Fred Gallo PhD “The Magic of Movement” – Fred is one of the founders of our field. We serve on the board together and this was my first workshop with him. He shared a beautiful 8 step process which involves a series of movements. This literally helps you and your client rewire the brain in a way that heals stress and traumatic memories. I love it – gestures as positive reinforcement! How appropriate that we learned them from an Italian guy who knows Energy Psychology so well.
Gala Dinner, Awards and Dancing – After a quick workout in the hotel gym, we were off to dinner. I had the pleasure of sharing a table with friends Sherry O’Brien, Holly Timberlake, Barbara Stone, Bob Alcorn, as well as some new friends Trish and Mike. Members receiving awards included Kristin Holthius (Spreading the Word), Mary Hammond (Service) and Suzanne Connolly (Research). It was an honor to present Mary’s award. Dancing would have to wait for another time. Sleep was needed more!
Sunday Breakout – Tracy Latz MD and Marion Ross PhD “Energetic Self-Care and Transformational Tools for Clinicians” – I expected this would be great and it was. I was also delighted that my breakout session would take place in the same room holding this high energy immediately following the session. We practiced so many techniques including Robert Peng’s 4 Golden Wheels with chanting to boost dopamine and neopenephrine. Next we learned a stretch and movement sequence that boosts serotonin and GABA naturally to prevent depression. We also learned about foods that boost emotions and health. St. Hildegard would have loved this! I plan to stay in touch with these ladies.
Sunday Breakout – Betsy Muller and Robert Schwarz PhD, “Energy Makeover – Remarkable Results for Successful Clients” – Now it’s my turn to be the teacher. Bob is here to give a beautiful male perspective to the presentation and also so that our audience can get APA CE credit. The audience was great and enjoyed the participative exercises we shared. About 20 minutes into the presentation my laptop shut down completely. It restarted, and then shut down again. Eventually after several starts, it wouldn’t even turn on. I was ready and asked for someone to offer a laptop we could plug my USB presentation into. We were back on immediately without skipping a beat. It helped having a co-presenter who could keep talking while I fussed with technology. The presentation received positive feedback and finished feeling great. The laptop restarted again later as if nothing had happened. Energy can do that!
Afternoon Keynote, Eben Alexander MD “Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife” – This was the dessert to the conference meal! I was excited to meet Dr. Alexander as I was to introduce his keynote from the podium. Having read his book, I knew what the speech would be about, but more importantly I wanted to meet the man and get a sense of his energy. Fortunately he arrived early and we had some one-on-one time together for a photo and a chance to talk. He was fascinated to learn that my name was Betsy. If you read the book you will know about this important connection. After meeting him, I was convinced of his sincerity, humble nature and beautiful spirit. His speech was important because it reminds us that this physical world, including the brain, is simply a filter of awareness. “Consciousness is not created by the brain.” He then elaborated that consciousness is limited by the brain, in part, to help us survive in this physical realm. Read the book and remember that you never die, just like Roger Janhke told us on Saturday.
Monday Post-Conference Workshop – Primordial Sound Meditation with Jennifer and Charleene Closshey – Looking back this workshop is what helped me pull everything together and gave me a tool I will use each and every day. I have not found ease in the process of sitting still for meditation in the past. I came into this releasing expectations and simply asking for what I need now to boost my work and life. Sound as a healing gateway has flooded in my awareness a lot lately and I was open. Our trainers were a mother-daughter team of generous and goddess-like women. They have been trained in this technique developed by Deepak Choprak MD and David Simon MD at the Chopra Center. After getting background on the technique, we received our customized mantra based upon sound produced at the location and time of our birth in relation to the lunar position. It’s secret, so I will not share my mantra and don’t ask me to. Using the mantra for the first time is a huge spiritual experience. I found myself dropping into the energy of it easily. Tears welled up and my chest heaved as I felt BIG LOVE. Eventually calm returned to my body and meditation continued peacefully. The rest of the day flowed with great ease. I need a whole blog post to convey the details. Bottom line: if you ever get the opportunity to learn this – DO IT! I am seriously thinking about being trained to facilitate this program.
Tuesday Post Conference Back Home: I brought a signed copy of Dr. Alexander’s book back as a gift to my Dad, which I gave him after he picked me up from the airport. Dad promised to read it, but said, “If you really believe this, I’m concerned because it means there is no longer a need for faith.” I responded to that comment by saying that “If you believe this, there is no longer a place for FEAR. In the absence of fear, love can prevail and do all of the healing effortlessly.” I hope Dad gets that message and enjoys the book too.