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Create a Great New Year – Tips for Sensitive Souls

Being a highly sensitive person can be unpleasant yet is the NEW Normal. A recent Facebook survey indicated that over 80% of respondents regarded themselves as highly sensitive. This video reveals an important positive message to help you better understand your sensitivity and 3 insights you can use to transform it into your superpower. You'll also get a link to my free e-book for more tips for sensitives. I'm holding a special women's retreat in May that is all about nurturing and honoring sensitivities so that the Superpower emerges.

Posted by Create and Connect Brilliantly on Wednesday, January 9, 2019

I recently polled my Facebook followers asking whether they believed they were highly sensitive. A whooping  82% replied YES.  I also asked them to comment on how they defined their sensitivity and confirmed what I suspected, it takes many forms.  For some it’s an unpleasant response to substances, crowds or surroundings.  For others it can be strong physical sensations and emotional anxiety in social situations.  Many told me they feel their sensitivity is detrimental to their health.  They actually feel the intensity of other people’s emotions and even pick up feelings from news stories.  On the plus side, there were also a few who claimed to be sensitive to the point of having psychic abilities, giving them power to miraculously serve others in valuable ways.   Those lucky sensitives had accepted their gift by developing awareness to care for and protect their energy.

If you are sensitive, you might feel alone, yet my survey and the cases I’ve worked with recently tell me you are the new normal.  I’ve helped hundreds of sensitives, including myself,  understand and nurture sensitivity as a valuable tool for navigating life choices and helping others.  You too can safely transform your sensitivity into a superpower.

Consider these 3 possibilities to explore and heal your sensitivity:

  1. Look deeper.  Is there an empty place inside that is calling for attention?  If this symptom or uncomfortable feeling  could talk, what would it tell you about your soul?  Take time alone to cherish  yourself just as you are.  Pray for guidance and awareness of the best ways to express your sensitivity and protect your energy from invasion.
  2. Be curious about the origin or source of your sensitivity. Did it emerge at a particular time or after a traumatic life event?  Does it run in your family?  What do you believe about it?  Which events from the past support your beliefs?  Working with an experienced Emotional Freedom Techniques practitioner can help you understand and heal the energy of the past.  You can transform those feelings so that they become less chaotic and more helpful to you.
  3. Develop habits of protection. Pausing for time alone, getting plenty of rest, eating a healthy diet, connecting with nature and doing something you love on a regular basis will give you a thicker shield to protect you from the energies swirling around.  Your creator has given you the Divine gift of ONENESS – connecting with everything.  Your healing power is amplified when you intentionally connect with God or Source, and request extra energy and protection.  Ask and you will receive, but the key is taking that pause to connect to this Divine help.

My new ebook The 5 Essential Secrets to Staying Strong, Resilient and Highly Intuitive is loaded with effective tools you can use to feel stronger and better immediately.  Sensitive people get amazing results.  Download a free copy on the homepage. You are sensitive for a reason, it’s good AND it might just save the planet.

Free Access to Betsy’s Online Course

Introduction to EFT for Compassionate Professionals

There’s a rapid and proven way to prevent and relieve chronic professional stress. In this 5-module course you’ll learn the basic EFT process, research supporting efficacy and a self-care application of Emotional Freedom Techniques, also referred to tapping or EFT. Course download includes a 2-page tapping guidance chart.


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