It’s confession time. George, Dan and I made a very poor decision and watched The Interview last night via YouTube. It was dumb, profane and horrible. I am at a loss to find any redeeming qualities, humor or creative credit to give anyone involved in the project. I regret giving Sony $5.95. Don’t make the same mistake. At least we are completely informed on the controversy now and can be part of the freedom of speech discussion. So sad that we can’t get that 1 hour and 56 minutes back for something more worthwhile and that I let this happen on a holy day. What was I thinking! The only good thing that came of this was learning how to use the AppleTV device our kids gave us for Christmas. If you look hard enough there is always a blessing hidden in a pile of *#@*.
I hope that this post can spare others from making the same mistake. Aside from this error, our day was spent sharing love, gifts and lots of laughter with our family and pets. It was special and we are most grateful for our health, comfort and ability to be together. We wish that to you as well.
Muller family Christmas 2014 with Sig and Gracie