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“No great improvements in the lot of mankind are possible until a great change takes place in their mode of thought.”    John Stuart Mills

I saw this quote today and it spoke to me as truth and also helps me to understand my own purpose a little better.  I’ve been on a mission to keep track of my own thoughts in a deliberate way.  I think I’ve gotten better at it over time, yet I am human. 

Today’s financial fears and economic worries are being broadcast widely.  My husband and I were just discussing how each day the words used to describe the economic situation become more and more outrageous and dramatic – “downslide”, “catastrophe”, “bloodshed”, “doom”, “alarm” — and more each morning with the front page, TV and radio.  I’ve decided to turn it off and tune it out.  I don’t need this kind of mass media influence poluting my thoughts.

This “sea of human worry thought” seems to be exerting a powerful pressure on mankind and I am not immune to its influence even when I tune it out.  The vibrations remain, particularly to energy sensitive people like myself.  What can be done to change that? 

Peace begins with each of us, then travels outward.   We can catch ourselves with a fearful thought.  There is always something there we can be grateful for instead.  Deliberate thought can become a powerful habit – first catching a negative thought, then choosing to grab a better thought.

Action step:  This week, catch yourself speaking or thinking something that opposes true prosperity.   Ask yourself what this is about.  Accept that you’re experiencing a negative thought.  Next, choose a new thought that expresses higher ground.  This can be a statement of appreciation, affirmation or pure recognition of beauty in whatever form speaks best to your heart.  If it is difficult to find this thought – prepare a list of “favorite things” from your memory bank.  This list of what you love can include your favorite color, song, place, face and activity.  These are always available to you as appropriate vehicles for shifting your thought vibration.  These are the thoughts that allow you to attract more prosperity. 

 You deserve to have pleasant thought.  Choose well and spread a higher vibration to the world around you.  You can make a positive difference now.

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Introduction to EFT for Compassionate Professionals

There’s a rapid and proven way to prevent and relieve chronic professional stress. In this 5-module course you’ll learn the basic EFT process, research supporting efficacy and a self-care application of Emotional Freedom Techniques, also referred to tapping or EFT. Course download includes a 2-page tapping guidance chart.


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