by Betsy Muller | Mar 14, 2014 | Health & Wellness, holiday, Inspiration, Reflections on Life's Challenges, spirituality
Running a business in the midst of the worst winter of the decade has had its challenges and I must credit leading the Awaken Creativity series and the synchronicity it stirs up as my saving grace. The 7 week series requires a commitment to daily journaling, a weekly... by Betsy Muller | Feb 14, 2014 | conscious business, EFT Tapping/Energy Coaching, Inspiration, Reflections on Life's Challenges, spirituality, Uncategorized
Driving through heavy snow on a Sunday morning in February, I wondered, “Why I had yanked myself out on a day like this?” Once at my destination, nestled in the back of an industrial park in Berea, my doubts immediately dissolved. I enter a bright room filled with a...
by Betsy Muller | Jan 26, 2014 | Inspiration, Nature, spirituality, Uncategorized
It began as an impulse A bag of black seeds from the grocer’s pet food aisle Who knew the lives this bag would touch? Until January brought bone-chilling winds and deep snow Spilling black gold upon the snow How many eyes were watching? Welcoming a parade of creatures... by Betsy Muller | Nov 25, 2013 | conscious business, EFT Tapping/Energy Coaching, Inspiration, Nature, Reflections on Life's Challenges, spirituality, Uncategorized
Have you ever been given an opportunity to participate in something outlandish and also quite vague? I have, and it was delightful. Allow me to explain I am someone who heartily believes that there are no accidents. You attract the people you are supposed to meet....
by Betsy Muller | Oct 14, 2013 | Reflections on Life's Challenges, spirituality, Uncategorized
When you walk into a networking meeting, it is neither typical nor expected to find people admitting their fears openly and honestly in front of others. Being vulnerable in public, especially in business settings can be risky, yet revealing a bit of emotion and...
by Betsy Muller | Oct 4, 2013 | conscious business, EFT Tapping/Energy Coaching, Health & Wellness, Reflections on Life's Challenges, spirituality, Uncategorized
It seems fitting to address this very common question during the month of October when thoughts of goblins and vampires prevail. As you become conscious and awaken to the concept of human energy, you quickly become aware that energy vampires exist and make life...