by Betsy Muller | Sep 24, 2014 | Health & Wellness, Inspiration, spirituality
On September 10, 2014 our topic at the Indigo Connection’s women’s breakfast was “Books that Changed Your Life”. Each participant was asked to come ready to share a special book that made a difference to them. Some brought a book, others had it...
by Betsy Muller | Sep 3, 2014 | conscious business, Inspiration, Reflections on Life's Challenges, spirituality, Uncategorized
A dull ache has been living in my head since last Wednesday. As the calendar flipped to September, I’ve felt more scattered about priorities. There’s a long list I need to work on, including a major rebranding for my business, speaking proposals and a new web page,... by Betsy Muller | Aug 5, 2014 | conscious business, EFT Tapping/Energy Coaching, Inspiration, Reflections on Life's Challenges, spirituality, Uncategorized
This summer, yet another book has made a difference in my life and possibly millions of others as well. Rebecca Rosen’s bestseller Awaken the Spirit Within was chosen as one of our reading selections for my summer women’s group. While many of the concepts...
by Betsy Muller | Jul 22, 2014 | conscious business, EFT Tapping/Energy Coaching, Health & Wellness, Inspiration, Reflections on Life's Challenges, spirituality, Uncategorized
Last night I hosted another weekly gathering made up of female business owners and professional women from all walks of life. Can you believe that when we tested for a common issue we all needed to heal, what came up was excessive RAGE directed against our selves?... by Betsy Muller | Jun 15, 2014 | EFT Tapping/Energy Coaching, holiday, Inspiration, Reflections on Life's Challenges, spirituality, Uncategorized
Father’s Day and the many social media posts from friends missing their Dads certainly brings a touching reminder about the pain we carry when we lose someone special. Today it is fitting to feature and recommend a new book written by a friend and colleague,... by Betsy Muller | May 21, 2014 | conscious business, Health & Wellness, Inspiration, Nature, Reflections on Life's Challenges, spirituality, Uncategorized
Another lovely Lakeside retreat has come and gone, leaving behind so many happy memories, joyful photos and new connections. What began as a very small and uncertain retreat gathering in 2006 has grown to maturity. Our first retreat included only six women and was...