by Betsy Muller | Apr 11, 2010 | Reflections on Life's Challenges, Uncategorized
Recently, I decided to enter a competition. The Next Top Spiritual Author Contest was seeking spiritual writers and the prize was a big publishing contract. The first round of the competition involved posting an author profile with an audio or video book pitch, then... by Betsy Muller | Mar 15, 2010 | Reflections on Life's Challenges, Uncategorized
Did you know that knee problems represent the leading cause of disability in the US? On top of that, more than half of those disabling knee problems have some relationship to aging. This topic hit home in 2009 as I turned 50 and simultaneously became one of those sad... by Betsy Muller | Feb 16, 2010 | audio included, Reflections on Life's Challenges
healing heart pain coaching call Was Valentine’s Day particularly hard for you? Is heartbreak keeping you down and holding you back from your life purpose? Whether it is grief, loss, betrayal or separation, on this call we talked about the energy of the heart... by Betsy Muller | Feb 2, 2010 | Reflections on Life's Challenges
“The world only exists in your eyes – your conception of it. You can make it as big or as small as you want to.” F. Scott Fitzgerald Later this week I will be departing on a 15 hour journey by plane which will take me to Maui for a women’s retreat. I...
by Betsy Muller | Jan 19, 2010 | audio included, Goals and Resolutions, Reflections on Life's Challenges
January’s Energy Makeover CALL was all about making physical changes to healing our physical bodies and the environment in which they reside. Beginning the year with a focus on our physical wellbeing creates the perfect setting to facilitate better flow in all areas... by Betsy Muller | Jan 2, 2010 | Goals and Resolutions, Reflections on Life's Challenges
Each year on New Year’s Day I follow a tradition that includes sleeping in, eating a nice breakfast and taking down the holiday decorations — then I leisurely review my calendar from the previous year while my husband watches the bowl games on TV. It is a...