by Betsy Muller | Jul 22, 2014 | conscious business, EFT Tapping/Energy Coaching, Health & Wellness, Inspiration, Reflections on Life's Challenges, spirituality, Uncategorized
Last night I hosted another weekly gathering made up of female business owners and professional women from all walks of life. Can you believe that when we tested for a common issue we all needed to heal, what came up was excessive RAGE directed against our selves?... by Betsy Muller | Jul 12, 2014 | Health & Wellness, holiday, Inspiration, Nature, Reflections on Life's Challenges, Uncategorized
My husband George and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary by taking a 14-day Rick Steves tour of Greece. This was our first trip to Greece and we were both excited and a bit nervous about being away from our home and work for such a long time. Travel has a way...
by Betsy Muller | Jul 9, 2014 | Health & Wellness, holiday, Inspiration, Reflections on Life's Challenges, Uncategorized
My husband George and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary by taking a 14-day Rick Steves tour of Greece. This was our first trip to Greece and we were both excited and a bit nervous about being away from our home and work for such a long time. Travel has a way... by Betsy Muller | May 21, 2014 | conscious business, Health & Wellness, Inspiration, Nature, Reflections on Life's Challenges, spirituality, Uncategorized
Another lovely Lakeside retreat has come and gone, leaving behind so many happy memories, joyful photos and new connections. What began as a very small and uncertain retreat gathering in 2006 has grown to maturity. Our first retreat included only six women and was... by Betsy Muller | Apr 29, 2014 | conscious business, Goals and Resolutions, Health & Wellness, Inspiration, Reflections on Life's Challenges, Uncategorized
I paused the other night when Kathy Underhill, my Jazzercise instructor, challenged class members to set an important fitness goal for 2014. Kathy shared that she had set a goal to run 55 miles in races this year and had just completed a half marathon as part of that...
by Betsy Muller | Mar 14, 2014 | Health & Wellness, holiday, Inspiration, Reflections on Life's Challenges, spirituality
Running a business in the midst of the worst winter of the decade has had its challenges and I must credit leading the Awaken Creativity series and the synchronicity it stirs up as my saving grace. The 7 week series requires a commitment to daily journaling, a weekly...