by Betsy Muller | Jan 2, 2010 | Goals and Resolutions, Reflections on Life's Challenges
Each year on New Year’s Day I follow a tradition that includes sleeping in, eating a nice breakfast and taking down the holiday decorations — then I leisurely review my calendar from the previous year while my husband watches the bowl games on TV. It is a...
by Betsy Muller | Dec 28, 2009 | audio included, Goals and Resolutions
We gathered for a year-end coaching call on December 28 to discuss the process of balanced goal setting. You’ll also see how much I emphasize the importance of FUN in goal setting. The call includes: 1. A fun party game you can use to loosen up stuffy adults 2.... by Betsy Muller | Dec 28, 2009 | Goals and Resolutions
The approach of January 1 coaxes us to think about new beginnings, resolutions, promises and goals. As I prepare to lead a discussion about resolutions and goals tonight, I am reminded that my best efforts toward my own changes have come when I am clear about THE...