by Betsy Muller | Dec 16, 2016 | conscious business, EFT Tapping/Energy Coaching, Health & Wellness, Reflections on Life's Challenges, Uncategorized
I specialize in balance as a healer and EFT coach. It can feel like a slap in the face when my body gives me trouble. In less than a month I will face a 3-4 hour surgery to repair my ankle tendons, followed by many days in a cast and on crutches. After struggling... by Betsy Muller | Sep 21, 2016 | EFT Tapping/Energy Coaching, Reflections on Life's Challenges, Uncategorized
Let me begin by thanking all of you for your prayers, cards and personal messages. It was with mixed feelings that I chose to share the news about my husband’s brother Michael Muller’s sudden passing in my newsletter and social media posts. My husband is a very... by Betsy Muller | Jul 8, 2016 | conscious business, EFT Tapping/Energy Coaching, Inspiration, Reflections on Life's Challenges, spirituality, Uncategorized
What if….. we each decided to pursue a larger circle of friendship, including people from all cultures, religions, political orientations, ages, education levels and belief systems? What if, instead of “unfriending” them or arguing, we simply...
by Betsy Muller | May 5, 2016 | EFT Tapping/Energy Coaching, holiday, Inspiration, Reflections on Life's Challenges, spirituality, Uncategorized
Yesterday I ran into a friend while grocery shopping. She’s had a tough year and recently lost her mom after a battle with cancer. As I saw her, it hit me that Mother’s Day this Sunday is going to be a tough one. I offered a hug and acknowledgement for how painful... by Betsy Muller | Jan 21, 2016 | Creativity, EFT Tapping/Energy Coaching, Inspiration, Reflections on Life's Challenges
You never know where your next lesson will come from. Mine came from a group of nine exuberant 6-year olds. Last night I accepted an invitation from my friend Nicole Vigh to face this new challenge as a professional speaker. The topic was COURAGE and I had 20 minutes.... by Betsy Muller | Sep 3, 2015 | EFT Tapping/Energy Coaching, Inspiration, Reflections on Life's Challenges, spirituality, Uncategorized
It’s funny how fear and the logical mind can totally override an otherwise very steady sense of intuition. I had an experience this past week I allowed to really bother me. I had discovered an “avocado-sized” lump in the area of my dog Gracie’s...