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Calendar of Events

Event Information:

  • Wed

    August 14 Breakfast - Cut and Paste Wisdom

    8:00 amHelwig's Whistle Stop - Berea

    Our August program will feature Jane Hutchison, certified Soul Collage Facilitator who will lead us through a creative exercise allowing each participant to call upon #cutandpaste #wisdom to assemble a personalized touchstone. Networking and breakfast as always part of the program.  Early bird price $20 members, $30 guests when you enroll by August 9, 2019

    Register Here:  https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07egek93ktbedd02f4&oseq=&c=&ch=

Free Access to Betsy’s Online Course

Introduction to EFT for Compassionate Professionals

There’s a rapid and proven way to prevent and relieve chronic professional stress. In this 5-module course you’ll learn the basic EFT process, research supporting efficacy and a self-care application of Emotional Freedom Techniques, also referred to tapping or EFT. Course download includes a 2-page tapping guidance chart.


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