by Betsy Muller | Aug 16, 2008 | Uncategorized
I was watching an interview last night with that incredible Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps. He had just won his 7th Gold Medal, putting him in a tie with Mark Spitz for the most gold metals ever (and he still has an opportunity to beat that!). As the interview was... by Betsy Muller | Jul 24, 2008 | Uncategorized
I write this from the porch of my parent’s vacation home at Lakeside Ohio. It’s late in the day and a time when I generally don’t choose to write. What’s different today is that I am feeling so energized after a day that was just about... by Betsy Muller | Jul 6, 2008 | Uncategorized
My Artists Prayer By Betsy Muller I celebrate the dawn of each new day As I count my many blessings And know that my Divine Creator is near Whispering softly to my heart As I demonstrate my love for myself I send love to ALL Following the subtle nudges My heart opens...
by Betsy Muller | Jun 13, 2008 | Uncategorized
I was coaching a new mom recently who is having a rough time trying to do it all- mother, wife, artist, health, fitness, and work too. Life suddenly doesn’t seem to be offering her enough time to get all that she needs and wants into her day. Instead of being... by Betsy Muller | May 30, 2008 | Uncategorized
During the past 4 weeks I’ve been offering free coaching to three local student athletes who are interested in learning Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and other energy coaching self-help methods. These athletes applied for this opportunity and were selected based... by Betsy Muller | May 8, 2008 | Uncategorized
Two recent experiences have taught me so much about living in the present moment. The first was leading a 10 week group for discussion of Eckhart Tolle’s book A New Earth. The second was The Indigo Connection’s 3rd annual woman’s retreat at... by Betsy Muller | Apr 27, 2008 | Uncategorized
I was listening to This American Life on NPR this morning as I was running and it got me thinking. The program featured several interesting stories about people who have power over others and the responsibilities that come from those situations. During the program... by Betsy Muller | Apr 14, 2008 | Uncategorized
I have just returned from a weeklong cruise. This wasn’t your ordinary cruise, rather it was a Hay House “I Can Do It” event involving some of the world’s most outstanding leaders and speakers in the areas of spirituality and personal growth... by Betsy Muller | Apr 4, 2008 | Uncategorized
It never ceases to amaze me that just when I think I may have figured out how a small particle of this universe works, something new comes along to show me how much more I still need to figure out. I guess I see this as a sign that there will always be a great reason... by Betsy Muller | Mar 22, 2008 | Uncategorized
Hello from Sunny Florida. I am enjoying the present moment quite a bit during this vacation. Funny how I am noticing every little leaf and blossom in a new way. One of my favorite parts of vacation is my early morning run along the beach. Today I was listening to...