by Betsy Muller | Oct 23, 2008 | Uncategorized
Today I will be departing for a few days up in Toronto to attend the Canadian Energy Psychology Conference. I’ll be a workshop presenter too. Because I crammed lots of stuff into this past week, my office is a disaster. I promised myself I would clean it up...
by Betsy Muller | Oct 20, 2008 | Uncategorized
It’s Monday morning and I am realizing how full the week ahead is already. I found myself getting worried before the day even began. My mind was racing with thoughts of not getting enough done, not being ready and wasting time on the wrong things. “STOP... by Betsy Muller | Oct 12, 2008 | Uncategorized
“No great improvements in the lot of mankind are possible until a great change takes place in their mode of thought.” John Stuart Mills I saw this quote today and it spoke to me as truth and also helps me to understand my own purpose a little better. ... by Betsy Muller | Oct 2, 2008 | Uncategorized
Accept and Expect are two very powerful words. They are very much part of EFT tapping protocol and the philosophy behind the Law of Attraction. Are you using them effectively? Integrating acceptance and expectation into your meditation, prayer, creativity or... by Betsy Muller | Sep 30, 2008 | Uncategorized
“All is well. Everything is happening for my highest good. Out of this situation only good will come. I am safe.” Louise Hay I heard Louise Hay share this quote on a teleconference a few month ago and these word have stayed with me ever since. When I... by Betsy Muller | Sep 28, 2008 | Uncategorized
Yesterday set a new benchmark for my life as a speaker and presenter. You see – about half of my recent audience had four legs and fur! My topic “Using EFT for Your Pets” was offered as part of Inner Harmony Wellness Center’s Animal Blessing... by Betsy Muller | Sep 23, 2008 | Uncategorized
I learned a hard lesson AGAIN yesterday. I learned that I am not in control of the universe. Silly me! Why did I ever think I might be for an instant. Here’s what happened. I had scheduled a full day without client appointments so that I could do a... by Betsy Muller | Sep 12, 2008 | Uncategorized
Today’s daily affirmation on my Louis Hay calendar reads as follows: “I release the need to criticize. I love, accept and approve of myself and others.” Criticism is a form of judgement and usually contains some sort of negative feedback about... by Betsy Muller | Sep 1, 2008 | Health & Wellness, Inspiration, Uncategorized
The diamond shield is a metaphor that I refer to often when I speak and coach. It is one of those fashion accessories I will not go out without. It has nothing to do with jewelry and it costs nothing to wear. Why is this shield so important? Everything is energy,... by Betsy Muller | Aug 22, 2008 | Uncategorized
I have this wonderful “page a day” calendar that I keep in my sunroom. Each page provides a powerful healing affirmation statement. I haven’t been disappointed by a single one of these pages yet. Today’s affirmation reads: “I trust...