by Betsy Muller | Dec 12, 2008 | Uncategorized
I prepared a special healing intervention for the Indigo Connection’s December breakfast yesterday and I want to share it here for all to enjoy. This is an easy sequence for self-treatment. Z-Point is an intentional energy modality that was developed by my... by Betsy Muller | Dec 3, 2008 | Uncategorized
One of the most helpful things I have used to heal my own life is the examination of my beliefs. I realize that these beliefs have formed over decades and come as a result of experiences, teachers, parents, friends, business relationships, triumphs and... by Betsy Muller | Nov 24, 2008 | Uncategorized
I spent the weekend in Park City Utah to attend our annual board meeting/retreat for ACEP, the Association of Comprehensive Energy Psychology. During our time together, the board took the opportunity to watch the new video that EFT founder Gary Craig has produced... by Betsy Muller | Nov 17, 2008 | Uncategorized
I had the honor of watching a spendid 20 minute video by motivational speaker Tony Robbins on youtube today. Tony talks about how successful people create and he emphasizes that it isn’t so much about the resources you have, but rather it is about being... by Betsy Muller | Nov 15, 2008 | Uncategorized
Gratitude and appreciation have been on my mind a lot this week. I held a seminar on Wednesday that focussed on the topic and people really liked the list of ideas I shared, so here it is again for those of you who weren’t with me: 25 Ways to Show Appreciation... by Betsy Muller | Nov 13, 2008 | Uncategorized
I just finished a haunting book, The Story of Edgar Sawtelle, by David Wrobelewski. The novel has been compared to Hamlet and Watership Down. It is a great book worthy of your time. Beautifully and artfully written. Dog owners will especially love it, but the... by Betsy Muller | Nov 12, 2008 | Uncategorized
I lead a group this morning on the topic “The Power of Appreciation”. One of the suggestions I made to the group was to develop a daily ritual or new habit that brings more awareness of appreciation into your life. Below are a few ideas you might...
by Betsy Muller | Nov 4, 2008 | Uncategorized
As we go to the polls today, I am again reminded of those guiding principles quoted by Warren Buffet to describe the qualities of positive relationships. If you can answer “yes” to all 3 questions, the relationship is a keeper. They are certainly good... by Betsy Muller | Oct 29, 2008 | Uncategorized
Anyone visiting my home office has been warmly greeted by my friendly receptionist, Grace. Not your typical office worker, Grace is a golden retriever, just 3 years old. I added Grace to my life the same week I quit my last job and before I started my present...
by Betsy Muller | Oct 27, 2008 | Uncategorized
Today I made the mistake of listening to the radio and realized that I was hearing lots of toxic information about the world economy. I developed this audio as a self treatment to help me feel safe amidst the fear in the world. I also envision that these statements...