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Let yourself be silently drawn
by the strange pull of what you really love.
It will not lead you astray.
– Rumi

Recently I taught a telecourse with my dear friend Maryam Webster called The Tao of KaChing.  This was a weekly business course that met over several months designed to help holistic business owners create a thriving, ethical business that was a true reflection of themselves.  As a co-creator and facilitator of the program, I knew that I would learn probably more that I would teach while involved in this course – and I did.

Toward the end of the course, I was particularly intrigued by Maryam’s urging for each business owner to create a “signature program”, something they offer that is a true reflection of what their business is about and what they serve and care about deeply.   That sounded really cool, but then again that also required a commitment.  When I say yes to that “signature program”, I must also say no to a slew of other things I might choose to focus on.  One of those deadly sins in business is trying to be all things to all people, yet there is a part of every business owner that holds on to the notion that we must serve this general and larger population so that we have a huge market.  I too needed to let go of that.

It’s been several months since the course ended and I am still pondering what my signature program might be.  I’ve asked the question many ways and filled my morning journal with pages exploring the possibilities.  The answer has been lurking along the edges, but not really revealing itself.

Yesterday I began asking the question a different way.  I first asked “What did I agree to learn in this lifetime?”  Next I asked “What lessons have I successfully learned that are needed by those that I serve  – right now?”  The final question was “What is my own truth?”

A light suddenly went on and I was given two words – “Truth” and “Balance”.  Both made perfect sense.  Coincidentally I was working on a presentation for that evening entitled “Muscle Testing Basics  and Interventions for Healthy Energy Balance”.  I immediately saw the connection. 

For those not familiar with muscle testing, it is one of many ways to have a conversation with the subconscious mind to discover what is true.  Subtle signals from the neurological system provide a strong muscle response when a subject is posed a question that is “true”, whereas muscle strength is diminished when a question elicits a “false” response.  Often the muscle response will contradict what a person verbally states is their truth.  The muscle test is a “truth detector” of sorts.  The body does not lie.  My experience is that it cannot do so. 

For quite some time I resisted using muscle testing with my clients because I was afraid I would spook them with the “woo woo” of this alternative method.  I also didn’t trust my competency as a tester.  It took many more months of study and getting over my own fears of judgement to get to a place where I knew I could reliably test my clients and also to a place where I could easily convey to them that muscle testing was in their best interest as a rapid vehicle for positive change.

 Now the wild card here is also balance.  When a person’s energy is not balanced, grounded and centered, it is impossible to conduct reliable muscle testing.  Balance must occur first, before the truth can emerge.  I have emphasized life balance within my practice from the very beginning, but now the element of energy balance was fitting in as well.  Balance in all ways is part of the ultimate solution when I coach.  Each person’s definition of balance is unique and I honor and work with that.

I taught energy balancing and muscle testing for the very first time in my life last night and felt totally and completely alive.  Evidently I have overcome my fear of judgement and incompetency.  It is remarkable to me how easily the words flowed, how I was able to simplify and demonstrate a ton of complex information into a very short time.  I engaged with my audience and opened them to many new possibilities for their own healing benefit in a safe and respectful way.  I felt extreme passion for my material and it showed.  My presentation was love in action.

So how’s this for a fitting signature program?  Balance, Truth and Love.  The theme is emerging and my path is lighting up.  Stay tuned for more.

Free Access to Betsy’s Online Course

Introduction to EFT for Compassionate Professionals

There’s a rapid and proven way to prevent and relieve chronic professional stress. In this 5-module course you’ll learn the basic EFT process, research supporting efficacy and a self-care application of Emotional Freedom Techniques, also referred to tapping or EFT. Course download includes a 2-page tapping guidance chart.


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