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Accept and Expect are two very powerful words.  They are very much part of EFT tapping protocol and the philosophy behind the Law of Attraction.  Are you using them effectively?

Integrating acceptance and expectation into your meditation, prayer, creativity or journaling process will bring immediate rewards.  I urge you to give it a try by following these seven basic guidelines:

1.  Accept what is going on now and also what has already happened.  It is!  It happened.  Now it is OVER too.

2.  Be honest about your worries, pain, emotions and troubles – admit them all.  As uncomfortable emotions, physical sensations and feelings come up, feel them and be present with them.  That is part of the acceptance process.

3.  Use the EFT set-up language as you become aware of problems and negative feelings

“Even though this happened/I have this problem, I deeply and completely accept myself now” (repeating 3 or more times).  Then follow with “I choose ____ instead” and tap the EFT treatment points while focusing on a short reminder phrase symbolic of your problem.

I have observed that using simple acceptance statements like the one above clears a space in the energy system for something better.  That’s when expectations begin play an important role.

4.  Expect the Best – and be specific about what that means to you.

Use your journal or a daydreaming process to create a list of expectations.  “In a perfect world I expect ……”

5. Tell people what they can expect from you – then deliver upon your promise.

6.  Share your expectations with others so you share a common understanding of each other’s goals and values.

7.  Keep your expectations optimistic.   Every negative statement can be changed into a positive affirmation.  If in doubt about how to do this, feel free to send me one of your negative statements and I’ll transform it for you. 

Note:  If optimism is difficult for you, go back to #1-3 above and treat yourself for those negative or limiting beliefs.

Enjoy knowing that you are creating in the physical dimension under the Universal Law of Attraction when using the 7 steps above.  Pay attention to what happens and share your stories of success with everyone you meet. 

Free Access to Betsy’s Online Course

Introduction to EFT for Compassionate Professionals

There’s a rapid and proven way to prevent and relieve chronic professional stress. In this 5-module course you’ll learn the basic EFT process, research supporting efficacy and a self-care application of Emotional Freedom Techniques, also referred to tapping or EFT. Course download includes a 2-page tapping guidance chart.


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