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This is the time of year I am often approached timidly by people who are very concerned about someone they love who has sunk into a low place. I know how heartbreaking it can be to see someone in a state of despair or self-hatred because it happens regularly in my work. The good news is that I have also seen those dark clouds fall away. Whether it is you, or someone you love, I humbly offer these 5 suggestions to help you if you are feeling low, or to share with someone who needs help.

  1. Move Your Body – Walk or Exercise: This may be the last thing in the world that you feel like doing right now, yet it works time and again. Countless studies have proven that movement is the BEST WAY to quickly feel better. Choose something you enjoy and try for 20 minutes, 3 times a week. You don’t have to sweat to experience the benefits. Yoga, Tai Chi, dance, walking, aerobics or swimming will do the trick.
  • Your Invitation: Join a friendly group to learn some positive moves to enhance grounding, walking and energy flow on Saturday Feb. 7 from 1:30-3:30 at Session 1 of the Mastering Creative Connection Series. Learn more on the calendar at createandconnectbrilliantly.com


  1. Spend Time with Positive People: Even if you aren’t feeling so great, positive people offer a contagious energy that will help you feel better. Positive people are great role models because they smile, laugh and most importantly care about others.
  • Your Invitation: If you are a woman seeking a circle of support, consider attending the Indigo Connection’s breakfast on Feb. 11 or for a more intimate gathering, attend a very special day of pampering – The Red Tent Retreat at Betsy’s Strongsville home on Feb. 13.  The 6 session Mastering Creative Connection series held 2 Saturdays a month beginning Feb. 7 also offers positive group support.


  1. Pay Attention to Your Words: Your words are powerful medicine. Are you telling sad stories or reiterating tales you are powerless to change? Words can be a big drain, BUT they can also lift you. When you speak, whether it is silently to yourself or to share with another, remember to choose words carefully. Create a new way of being with your words, affirming what you want to be, do, have and experience.
  • Your Invitation: If you are having trouble finding better words, connect with me on Facebook at facebook.betsy.muller and ask me to suggest a positive affirmation to lift one of your most abusive inner thoughts. If you want this to remain private, send it as a private message. The affirmation you’ll get will also include a prayer for your highest and best outcome.


  1. Ask for Help, Prayers or other Resources: If you are struggling in isolation, you might be missing out on valuable help that’s closer than you think. Getting help often requires that you speak up.   People won’t think less of you if you do and in fact will want to help. Helping others feels good.   Everyone wins when you ask. While you are at it, ask God and the Angels to work with you.
  • Your Invitation: If you have not previously had a private consultation, I invite you to contact me to schedule a complimentary phone consultation or to ask me to send healing prayers for your situation. This is a confidential chance to get acquainted and get some free support for your situation. Just fill out the form at https://createandconnectbrilliantly.com/contact/


  1. Love Yourself Today – Learn EFT Tapping: One of the best ways I have found to help others soar upward in a short period of time is Emotional Freedom Techniques, also known as EFT. It is a combination of focused thought, words of acceptance and gentle tapping on acupressure points, which results in restoration of balance and peace to a troubled soul. Over 50 clinical studies support its use for clearing stress, fears, unpleasant memories, and even lowering the stress hormone cortisol.
  • Your Invitation: Learn and apply EFT tapping to your specific situation with a friendly small group on Feb. 18 at 7PM (and get a special 2 for one rate of $19 with early registration). Private sessions are also available upon request.


No matter what you current situation, trust that there is hope for you. Many have emerged empowered by these 5 choices and now use what they have learned to lift others. Take the first step, choose one of the five and respond to my invitation. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  



Free Access to Betsy’s Online Course

Introduction to EFT for Compassionate Professionals

There’s a rapid and proven way to prevent and relieve chronic professional stress. In this 5-module course you’ll learn the basic EFT process, research supporting efficacy and a self-care application of Emotional Freedom Techniques, also referred to tapping or EFT. Course download includes a 2-page tapping guidance chart.


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